The Somville Robotics League for middle grades students runs from Monday, October 7, 2024 through Saturday, December 14, 2024. 


The Somerville Robotics League for Middle Grades provides students who are in grades 5 - 8 with opporuntities to explore beginner and intermediate topics in robotics while having fun. These experiences are designed to prepare students for high school courses and additional Out-of-School Time opportunities.


High School Robotics Youth Mentors are an essential part of the Somerville Robotics League. Youth Mentors co-design and implement programming and activities, assist the adult staff in administartive tasks, and develop skills to facilitate topics in robotics with younger students.



In addition to providing instructional support, Robotics Youth Mentors will: 



Robotics Youth Mentors are expected to work 2-4 hours per week during League hours: 





Robotics Youth Mentors will receive the standard hourly wage of $17.72 per hour.